Questions and Answers
what was before the before
what will be after the after
what is the sorrow in tears
who is the joy in laughter?
where dwells the mind curious
who is the fury in furious
why is a scene seen by the seer
when is now, where is here?
what is the reason in random
why is the heat in hot
who liveth in life
what is, but naught?
Before was there before the before
after will be there after the after
there are tears, and sorrow is just a fear
there is laughter, and joy is just a share
Mind dwells for the lost reminisce
and the distraction acts fury in the furious
no scene, but the hope is drift by the seer
yesterday was now and rosy was here
I can’t see when its dark
I lost my grain when you were born
I traveled far before with the sun
I hound the self who live beneath
null is all, and all is null
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- Question By Pravesh Normal Koirala and Answer by Django Unchained
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